2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
< ? php
* AI Labs extension
* @ copyright ( c ) 2023 , privet . fun , https :// privet . fun
* @ license GNU General Public License , version 2 ( GPL - 2.0 )
if ( ! defined ( 'IN_PHPBB' )) {
exit ;
if ( empty ( $lang ) || ! is_array ( $lang )) {
$lang = [];
$lang = array_merge ( $lang , [
'ACP_AILABS_TITLE_VIEW' => 'AI Labs View Configuration' ,
'ACP_AILABS_TITLE_ADD' => 'AI Labs Add Configuration' ,
'ACP_AILABS_TITLE_EDIT' => 'AI Labs Edit Configuration' ,
'ACP_AILABS_SETTINGS' => 'Settings' ,
'ACP_AILABS_ADD' => 'Add Configuration' ,
'AILABS_USER_EMPTY' => 'Please select user' ,
'AILABS_USER_NOT_FOUND' => 'Unable to locate user %1$s' ,
'AILABS_USER_ALREADY_CONFIGURED' => 'User %1$s already configured, only one configuration per user supported' ,
2023-06-04 14:05:48 -07:00
'AILABS_SPECIFY_FORUM' => 'Please select at least one forum' ,
2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
'LOG_ACP_AILABS_ADDED' => 'AI Labs configuration added' ,
'LOG_ACP_AILABS_EDITED' => 'AI Labs configuration updated' ,
'LOG_ACP_AILABS_DELETED' => 'AI Labs configuration deleted' ,
'ACP_AILABS_ADDED' => 'Configuration successfully created' ,
'ACP_AILABS_UPDATED' => 'Configuration successfully updated' ,
'ACP_AILABS_DELETED_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure that you wish to delete the configuration associated with user %1$s?' ,
2023-06-04 14:05:48 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_SETTINGS_DESC' => 'Please visit 👉 <a href="https://github.com/privet-fun/phpbb_ailabs">https://github.com/privet-fun/phpbb_ailabs</a> for detailed configuration instructions, troubleshooting and examples.' ,
2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_CONFIG' => 'Configuration JSON' ,
'LBL_AILABS_TEMPLATE' => 'Template' ,
2023-06-04 14:05:48 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_REPLY_TO' => 'Forums where AI bot reply to' ,
'LBL_AILABS_POST_FORUMS' => 'New topic' ,
'LBL_AILABS_REPLY_FORUMS' => 'Reply in a topic' ,
'LBL_AILABS_QUOTE_FORUMS' => 'Quote or <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/simple_mentions/" rel="nofollow">mention</a>' ,
2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_ENABLED' => 'Enabled' ,
'LBL_AILABS_SELECT_FORUMS' => 'Select forums...' ,
'LBL_AILABS_CONFIG_EXPLAIN' => 'Must be valid JSON, please refer to documnetation for details' ,
'LBL_AILABS_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Valid variables: {post_id}, {request}, {info}, {response}, {images}, {attachments}, {poster_id}, {poster_name}, {ailabs_username}' ,
2023-06-04 14:05:48 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_POST_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Specify forums where AI will reply to new topic' ,
'LBL_AILABS_REPLY_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Specify forums where AI will reply to reply in the topic' ,
'LBL_AILABS_QUOTE_FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Specify forums where AI will reply when quoted or <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/simple_mentions/" rel="nofollow">mentioned</a>' ,
'LBL_AILABS_IP_VALIDATION' => '⚠️ Warning: Your ACP > General > Server Configuration > Security Settings > ' .
'<a href="%1$s">Session IP validation setting NOT set to None</a>, ' .
'this may prevent AI Labs to reply if you are using phpBB extensions which force user to be logged in ' .
'(eg <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/login_required">Login Required</a>). ' .
'Set Session IP validation to None or add "/ailabs/*" to extension whitelist. ' .
'Please refer to <a href="https://github.com/privet-fun/phpbb_ailabs#troubleshooting">troubleshooting section</a> for more details.' ,
2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
'LBL_AILABS_CONFIG_DEFAULT' => 'Load default configuration' ,
'LBL_AILABS_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT' => 'Load default template' ,