2023-05-27 18:43:21 -07:00
< ? php
* AI Labs extension
* @ copyright ( c ) 2023 , privet . fun , https :// privet . fun
* @ license GNU General Public License , version 2 ( GPL - 2.0 )
namespace privet\ailabs\includes ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse ;
use privet\ailabs\includes\AIController ;
use privet\ailabs\includes\resultParse ;
use privet\ailabs\includes\resultSubmit ;
class GenericController extends AIController
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public $redactOpts = [];
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// Cleansing and setting back $this->job['request']
// Return $opts or empty array
protected function init ()
$this -> job [ 'status' ] = 'exec' ;
$set = [
'status' => $this -> job [ 'status' ],
'log' => json_encode ( $this -> log )
$this -> job_update ( $set );
$this -> post_update ( $this -> job );
$total_replaced = 0 ;
$original_request = $this -> job [ 'request' ];
$this -> job [ 'request' ] = str_replace ( '@' . $this -> job [ 'ailabs_username' ], '' , $this -> job [ 'request' ], $total_replaced );
if ( $total_replaced > 0 ) {
$this -> job [ 'request' ] = str_replace ( ' ' , ' ' , $this -> job [ 'request' ]);
$this -> log [ 'request.original' ] = $original_request ;
$this -> log [ 'request.adjusted' ] = $this -> job [ 'request' ];
return [];
protected function prepare ( $opts )
return $opts ;
protected function submit ( $opts ) : resultSubmit
$result = new resultSubmit ();
$result -> response = '' ;
$result -> responseCodes = [];
return $result ;
// Override this method to extract response image(s)/message(s) and set job status
protected function parse ( resultSubmit $resultSubmit ) : resultParse
$result = new resultParse ();
$result -> json = json_decode ( $resultSubmit -> response );
return $result ;
protected function process ()
$opts = $this -> init ();
$this -> log_flush ();
$opts = $this -> prepare ( $opts );
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$optsCloned = json_decode ( json_encode ( $opts ), true );
foreach ( $this -> redactOpts as $key ) {
unset ( $optsCloned [ $key ]);
$this -> log [ 'request.json' ] = $optsCloned ;
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$this -> log_flush ();
$this -> job [ 'status' ] = 'fail' ;
$resultSubmit = null ;
$resultParse = null ;
try {
$resultSubmit = $this -> submit ( $opts );
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if ( $resultSubmit -> ignore )
return new JsonResponse ( 'waiting for callback' );
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$this -> log [ 'response.length' ] = strlen ( $resultSubmit -> response );
$this -> log [ 'response.codes' ] = $resultSubmit -> responseCodes ;
$this -> log_flush ();
$resultParse = $this -> parse ( $resultSubmit );
$this -> log [ 'response.json' ] = $resultParse -> json ;
$this -> log_flush ();
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> log [ 'exception' ] = $e -> getMessage ();
$this -> log_flush ();
$this -> log [ 'response.raw' ] = $resultSubmit -> response ;
$this -> log_flush ();
$this -> log [ 'finish' ] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$response = $this -> replace_vars ( $this -> job , $resultParse );
$data = $this -> post_response ( $this -> job , $response );
$this -> job [ 'response_time' ] = time ();
$this -> job [ 'response_post_id' ] = $data [ 'post_id' ];
if ( ! empty ( $resultParse -> images )) {
$this -> log [ 'attachments_start_time' ] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$ind = 0 ;
foreach ( $resultParse -> images as $url_or_filename ) {
$is_url = filter_var ( $url_or_filename , FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) !== false ;
$attachemnt_name = $is_url ? $this -> image_filename ( $ind ) : basename ( $url_or_filename );
$attachment = $this -> attach_to_post (
$is_url ,
$url_or_filename ,
+ $data [ 'post_id' ],
+ $this -> job [ 'topic_id' ],
+ $this -> job [ 'forum_id' ],
+ $this -> job [ 'ailabs_user_id' ],
// If you getting error REMOTE_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT try to adjust php.ini as described at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52069439/upload-large-files-and-time-out-php-uploads
// Edit /etc/php/8.2/fpm/php.ini, eg
// max_execution_time = 120
// max_input_time = 120
// upload_max_filesize = 10M
$this -> log [ 'attachment_' . $attachemnt_name ] = [
'is_url' => $is_url ,
'url_or_filename' => $url_or_filename ,
'result' => $attachment
$ind ++ ;
$this -> log [ 'attachments_finish_time' ] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$set = [
'status' => $this -> job [ 'status' ],
'attempts' => $this -> job [ 'attempts' ] + 1 ,
'response_time' => $this -> job [ 'response_time' ],
'response' => empty ( $resultParse -> images ) ? $resultParse -> message : implode ( PHP_EOL , $resultParse -> images ),
'response_post_id' => $this -> job [ 'response_post_id' ],
'log' => json_encode ( $this -> log )
$this -> job_update ( $set );
$this -> post_update ( $this -> job );
return new JsonResponse ( $this -> log );