cChardet ======== This library is high speed universal character encoding detector. - binding to `charsetdetect `_. This library is faster than `chardet `_. Support codecs ============== - Big5 - EUC-JP - EUC-KR - GB18030 - gb18030 - HZ-GB-2312 - IBM855 - IBM866 - ISO-2022-CN - ISO-2022-JP - ISO-2022-KR - ISO-8859-2 - ISO-8859-5 - ISO-8859-7 - ISO-8859-8 - KOI8-R - Shift\_JIS - TIS-620 - UTF-8 - UTF-16BE - UTF-16LE - UTF-32BE - UTF-32LE - WINDOWS-1250 - WINDOWS-1251 - WINDOWS-1252 - WINDOWS-1253 - WINDOWS-1255 - EUC-TW - X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-2143 - X-ISO-10646-UCS-4-3412 - x-mac-cyrillic Requires ======== - Cython: ` `_ e.g.) Ubuntu 12.04 :: $sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev cython Installation ============ :: $cd /tmp $git clone git:// $cd cChardet $python build $sudo python install or :: $sudo easy_install cchardet Test ==== :: $sudo easy_install or pip install -U chardet nose $cd test $nosetests --nocapture Benchmark ========= code: `tests.TestCchardetSpeed `_ sample: `test/testdata/wikipediaJa\_One\_Thousand\_and\_One\_Nights\_SJIS.txt `_ Performance: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CPU: Intel Core i7 860 2.8GHz RAM: DDR3-1333 16GB Platform: Windows 7 HP x64, Python 2.7.3 32-bit Result: ~~~~~~~ :: chardet: 0.25 (call/s) cchardet: 500.03 (call/s) License ======= - This library files("cchardet.pyx","","") are "The MIT License". - Other Libraries License: Please, look at the `ext `_ directory. Thanks ====== - ` `_ - ` `_ Contact ======= `My blog `_ Sorry for my poor English :)