# cChardet This library is high speed universal character encoding detector. - binding to libcharsetdetect # Requires Cython: [http://www.cython.org/](http://www.cython.org/) uchardet-enhanced: [https://bitbucket.org/medoc/uchardet-enhanced/overview](https://bitbucket.org/medoc/uchardet-enhanced/overview) # Install ### Build uchardet-enhanced $cd /tmp $hg clone https://bitbucket.org/medoc/uchardet-enhanced $cd uchardet-enhanced/libcharsetdetect $./configure $make $sudo make install $ls -la /usr/local/lib $ls -la /usr/local/include ### Build cChardet $cd /tmp $git clone git://github.com/PyYoshi/cChardet.git $cd cChardet $sudo pip install or easy_install -U cython. (If your os is Ubuntu, I recommend that you do "sudo apt-get install python-dev cython") $python setup.py build $sudo python setup.py install # Benchmark see tests.TestCchardetSpeed ### Sample(shift_jis): testdata/wikipediaJa_One_Thousand_and_One_Nights_SJIS.txt ### PC Spec.: CPU: Intel Core i7 860 2.8GHz RAM: DDR3-1333 16GB Platform: Windows 7 HP x64, Python 2.7.3 32-bit ### Result: chardet: 4.009999990463257s, shift_jis cchardet: 0.0009999275207519531s, shift_jis # Contact [My blog](http://blog.remu.biz) Sorry for my poor English :)